The day of the Virgin of Saliente has traditionally been celebrate on 8th September with a Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary some 20 kilometres from the town centre.

It represents one of the most important events of Marian devotion in the province of Almería and the neighbouring provinces of Murcia and Granada. Thousands of people, in order not to miss their traditional appointment with the Virgin of Saliente, popularly known as
"La Pequeñica", start their journey on foot or in cars, with the latter taking the place occupied in older times by beasts of burden, principally mules, decorated for this commemoration giving the festival a colourful air.
En la madrugada del día ocho, festividad de la Natividad de la Virgen, se peregrina al Santuario, que conmemora una aparición mariana ocurrida a finales del siglo XVII, donde se celebra las misas de Peregrinos de manera casi ininterrumpida hasta el mediodía, el rezo del Ángelus, la procesión de Alabanza a la Patrona de Albox y la ofrenda de albahaca; acto tradicional en esta peregrinación, si bien en tiempos más recientes, coloridas y variadas flores acompañan a la citada planta aromática tan común en esta región del sureste español.
The pilgrimage to the Sanctuary starts at dawn on the 8th, the feast day of the Nativity of the Virgin, commemorating a Marian apparition that occurred at the end of the 17th century. Masses are celebrated almost without interruption until midday, when there is the prayer of the Angelus, the procession of the Patron Saint of Albox and the offering of basil; a traditional act in this pilgrimage, even though in more recent times, colourful and varied flowers accompany this aromatic plant that is so common in this region of Southeast Spain.
El fervor religioso se manifiesta en las actitudes que no pocos peregrinos adoptan para realizar la ruta: hacer el camino descalzos, de rodillas e incluso con personas imposibilitadas en brazos a favor de los cuales, normalmente, iban a parar los supuestos beneficios concedidos por la Virgen a los peregrinos bajo promesa.
Religious fervour manifests itself in the approach taken by a small number of pilgrims: making the journey barefoot, on their knees and even with invalids in arms, normally coming to receive the supposed blessings granted by the Virgin to the pilgrims under promise.
Previamente a la Romería, desde el 30 de agosto tiene lugar el Novenario que se celebra alternando las dos parroquias albojenses, la de Santa María y la de La Concepción con el propio Santuario, para una vez finalizado el último de ellos, en la noche del 7 de septiembre, iniciar la andadura hacia el alto de El Saliente.
Prior to the Pilgrimage, from the 30th August a Novena takes place , alternating the two Albox parishes of Santa María and La Concepción with the Sanctuary, finishing on the night of the 7th September, to start the journey to the peak of El Saliente.
El Santuario forma parte del Patrimonio Histórico Español, y por tanto del Andaluz, desde 1992, diez años antes de que la propia romería fuese incluida como Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional, en 2002.
The Sanctuary forms part of the Historic Heritage of Spain, and Andalusia, since 1992, ten years before the pilgrimage itself was included as a Feista of National Touristic Interest, in 2002.
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