Sunday, 11 September 2016

Ensayo fotográfico de una visita al Santuario del Saliente / Photo essay of a visit to the Sanctuary of Saliente

Un Ensayo fotográfico de una visita al Santuario ...

Autor: Jan Morant.
Albox, Santuario del Saliente
A religious pilgrimage from the town of Albox to the Monastery of Saliente takes place on 7 September every year. During this pilgrimage, of the night and early morning of the 8th September, many come from all over Spain, to walk, mainly via the Rambla (dried up river bed), 18 kilometres between the town and the monastery. The considerable presence of young people gives the event a festive, religious air.
We visited Saliente monastery on morning of the 8th. Cloudless blue skies awaited us on arrival and temperatures were well up into the 30's. All temporary car parks were full, so we were forced to drive to the furthest parking area and walk back. Not such an arduous task on such a lovely day! We arrived at the monastery to find a religious service had commenced so we walked around the cloisters nearby. I have always been drawn to a little room, where people leave personal items. These range from
Albox, Santuario del Saliente

wedding dresses to crash helmets/crutches and photographs! On walking further round the cloisters, we found ladies making up floral arrangements. These are donated by pilgrims and other people visiting Saliente monastery and are placed around the foot of the altar.

Once the service had finished, we walked around the church admiring the architecture, paintings and flowers of course. We were invited to light five electric candles at the huge cost of €1. I consider the lighting of candles to be my good luck charm, so am never loathe to hand over my euro! We were allowed to climb the staircase to view the Virgin in her glass case. Most, including me, touched the casing and made a wish.
Off to the side and below the altar to the right, is an antechamber which is only opened once a year on the 8th September. I believe this to be a 'penance' room. Years ago, I remember the seating being not quite so opulent as it is now. The ceiling is painted blue with little white stars.
There are also fabulous BnB facilities lying within and below the monastery which I can highly recommend. Several years ago, I visited with my uncle and was privileged to meet with the Spanish architect who oversaw the reform of the monastery. We were given a lengthy guided tour which we thoroughly enjoyed then treated to lunch in the beautiful restaurant lying just behind the monastery. Views from here are amazing! If you've never visited before, suggest you add this venue to your bucket list!  Opening Times

More photographs: Mas fotografías:

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Bailes tradicionales en el Santuario / Traditional dancing in the Sanctuary

Sevillana, Albox, Santuario del SalienteDelante del santuario se produjo una autentica muestra de arte regional. Un grupo de flamencas, Grupo Sevillanas Nuestra Señora del Saliente, ataviados con sus trajes típicos, bailaron sevillanas, un baile andaluz, en celebración de La Romería. 

An authentic example of local artistry in front of the Sanctuary. A group of dancers, Grupo Sevillanas Nuestra Señora del Saliente, dressed in their traditional costumes, danced 'sevillanas', an Andalusian dance, in celebration of the pilgrimage.

Sevillana, Albox, Sanctuario del Saliente

Sevillana, Albox, Santuario del Saliente

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Inaugurado el ‘Año Jubilar’ en el Santuario El Saliente, en Albox

Foto: La Voz de Almeria

Con el ritual de la apertura de la Puerta Santa, que ha realizado el obispo de la diócesis, Adolfo González Montes,  ha quedado inaugurado el ‘Año Jubilar’, con el que se conmemora el tercer centenario de la sagrada imagen de Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados y del Buen Retiro, bendita imagen de la Virgen del Saliente.

The 'Jubilee Year' to commemorate the third centenary of the sacred image of Our Lady of Refuge for the Forsaken, the blessed image of our Lady of Saliente was inaugurated with the ritual opening of the Holy Door by the Bishop of the Dioceses, Adolfo González Montes. 

 Más información : La Voz de Almeria

Romería 2016 - Cientos de personas llegan al Saliente / Hundreds of people come to Saliente

Cientos de personas han caminado por los diecinueve kilómetros que separan Albox del Santuario del Saliente hasta primera ahora de la mañana de 8 septiembre en un ambiente festivo y de devoción, acompañada esta año por el buen tiempo.

Hundreds of people walked the nineteen kilometres that separate Albox from the Sanctuary of Saliente until the early hours of the morning of 8th September in an atmosphere of festivity and devotion, accompanied this year by good weather.

Más fotografías : Somos Albojenses

Monday, 5 September 2016


El Sr. Vicario General Miguel Romera Domene se desplazó con las autoridades a la antigua sede del Banco Popular para bendecir la exposición "Aromas de Albahaca". Inició el acto don Diego Carrillo, presidente de la Asociación Cultural Somos Albojenses, que explicó la finalidad de la exposición y agradeció la labor de los colaboradores. El alcalde de Albox, el Sr. Francisco Torrecillas declaró el compromiso municipal con el Jubileo del Saliente. En el Acto inaugural estuvo presente también gran parte de la corporación local albojense, asi como el cura párroco del pueblo Rafael Zurita, el cura párroco de la Loma Antonio Saldaña y cura párroco de Oria y Chirivel Raúl del Águila Gázquez.

The General Vicar, Miguel Romera Domene, went with the authorities to the old headquarters of the Banco Popular to bless the 'Aromas de Albahaca' exhibition. Initiating the act, Diego Carrillo, president of the Cultural Association Somos Albojenses, explained the purpose of the exhibition and thanks the collaborators for their efforts. The Mayor of Albox, Francisco Torrecillas declared
municipal support for the Jubilee of Saliente. A good number of local councillors were present at the opening ceremony as well as the parish priest of the town, Rafael Zurita, the parish priest of La Loma,Antonio Saldaña, and the parish priest of Oria and Chirivel, Raúl del Águila Gázquez.


Más fotografías: Somos Albojenses

Thursday, 1 September 2016

La ONCE dedicará el cupón del 5 de septiembre al III Centenario de Nuestra Señora del Saliente de Albox

ALMERÍA.- El III Centenario de Nuestra Señora del Saliente de la localidad almeriense de Albox portagoniza el cupón de la ONCE del lunes 5 de septiembre, dentro de la conmemoración del Año Jubilar 2016-2017.
Cinco millones y medio de cupones de la ONCE difundirán por toda España la imagen de este santuario dedicado a la virgen.
ALMERIA - The III Centenary of Our Lady of Saliente from Albox in Almeria features on the ONCE coupon on 5th September, as part of the commemoration of the Jubilee Year 2016-2017.

Five and a half million coupons of la ONCE will distribute the image of this sanctuary throughout Spain.